It’s Been Miserable Lately…

It’s been a minute since the last post and of course when it rains, it pours. After a horrilbe bout of covid and my birthday curse terminating in the loss of a special friend, I really havent had the motivation to really do much or post anything. I was coming off the passing of my friend Damage and so this was a compounded loss…

I love and miss you Miss Honey my pretty girl!

The hardest part of covid I think wasn’t the actual illness, but the fact that it seems to steal a part of your soul. There is no other way to describe it except as a missing part of your being. I had the lack of energy and lethargy real bad, but it seemed more than that. It was as if somebody surgically removed my desires. I would get exhausted just going up and down stairs and doing simple things. That was a physical symptom and would anger me because I have never been weak like that before. But the missing soul part, that was extraordinary. I am only now just getting to where i can even go out to the shop after 2 months of doing my best imitation of a gelatinous growth. But now I am attempting to rekindle the fire that drove me so I will be posting a bit more in the future.